Investigate Team Obama’s “Coup-lusion” Against Team Trump

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This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Attorney General William Barr told Congress yesterday that he believed the Trump campaign had been subjected to “spying” during and after the 2016 election. President Trump described what he has experienced as nothing less than a “coup.”

Heads exploded all over official Washington. Particularly outraged were Democrats on Capitol Hill, who have endlessly touted an alternative investigation into what they have insistently alleged – despite the absence of comparable evidence – was Trump “collusion” with Russia to steal the presidency from Hillary Clinton. They want no part of what might be called a “coup-lusion” inquiry into her partisans in government’s role in trying to help Hillary steal it from him.

Mr. Barr must, of course, pursue the actual evidence wherever it leads.  And if, as seems likely, it confirms that a stealth coup was mounted by Obama administration operatives, justice must be served.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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