Iran is at war with us, don’t signal a lack of resolve to counter It

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The Senate vote today on a resolution designed to restrict the President’s ability to protect us against Iran is the latest round in a struggle that has ebbed and flowed since the last conflict in which Congress actually declared war in 1945.

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The Senate vote today on a resolution designed to restrict the President’s ability to protect us against Iran is the latest round in a struggle that has ebbed and flowed since the last conflict in which Congress actually declared war in 1945.

In the interval, legislators passed a War Powers Act of dubious constitutionality that presidents of both parties have effectively ignored. So, they have periodically adopted resolutions to authorize the use of military force as a means of asserting some control over presidential war-making.

Interestingly, the last of these AUMFs authorized force to be used against those responsible for the 9/11 attacks. In fact, Iran played a significant role in that act of murderous jihad and it’s still at war with us. We mustn’t signal a lack of resolve to defend against Iran’s oft-stated determination to bring death to America.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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