Iran Is Dangerous and Must Be Deterred

With Reza Khalili, Henry Nau, Oliver Guitta, Earl Tillford


With Reza Khalili, Henry Nau, Olivier Guitta, Earl Tillford

REZA KHALILI, a former undercover CIA operative in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, explains his unique and rare insight into the true dangers of Iran.

HENRY NAU, a professor at George Washington University and former senior director of International Affairs under President Reagan, outlines international negotiations and diplomacy, and relates his experiences, to dealing with Iran.

OLIVIER GUITTA, of the UK’s Henry Jackson Society, talks about the dangers of biological weapons in Syria and what the Syrian government’s possession of such deadly weapons could mean for the world.

EARL TILLFORD, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, analyzes the battle-space the U.S. faces, and explains how Syria is just one piece of this battle-space.

Secure Freedom Radio

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