Iran Lies: Center’s Fleitz Reinforces Israeli Findings, Case for Withdrawal from JCPOA


May 3, 2018

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Iran Lies: Center’s Fleitz Reinforces Israeli Findings, Case for Withdrawal from JCPOA

(Washington, D.C.):  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning April 30, 2018 disclosure that his government had covertly obtained half-a-ton of secret Iranian documents confirmed findings about the defective Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) laid out by Center for Security Policy Senior Vice President Fred Fleitz in his 2016 book, Obamabomb: A Dangerous and Growing National Security Fraud.

In addition to demonstrating powerfully that “Iran lied,” Mr. Netanyahu explained in great detail that Iran failed to cooperate with an International Atomic Energy Agency investigation of its past nuclear activities and successfully deceived the IAEA about its covert nuclear weapons program.  Netanyahu stressed that this violated a key requirement to implement the JCPOA.

Fred Fleitz, a career intelligence professional with over 20 years of service in the CIA, at the State Department and on the staff of the House Intelligence Committee, came to a similar conclusion in Obamabomb.  In a chapter entitled “Iran Defies IAEA Investigation of Past Nuclear Weapons Work,” he chronicled repeated instances of the Iranian regime refusing to cooperate with the IAEA and lying about its nuclear weapons program.  Mr. Fleitz also discussed alarming evidence found by the IAEA – evidence that Iran refused to explain – suggesting a likely nuclear weapons program that the so-called “atomic watchdog” should have further investigated.  Fleitz notes that some of these findings suggested that Iran’s nuclear weapons program continued until 2009 or later.

Center President Frank J. Gaffney said about the Fleitz chapter and Netanyahu’s revelation:

Israel’s intelligence coup – arguably her most ambitious and successful bit tradecraft since the brilliant 1976 hostage-rescue raid in Entebbe – has removed any doubt that the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran was a monstrous and perilous fraud.  The Netanyahu government has mortally embarrassed the mullahs by stealing a trove of their most closely held state secrets.  In so doing, it confirmed what Fred Fleitz has been saying all along: Iran has relentlessly pursued a stealthy and comprehensive nuclear weapons program – and lied about it.

Until now, the deal’s proponents have tried to downplay or deny that reality.  In the wake of the damning information Prime Minister Netanyahu has disclosed, however, some of them have pivoted to insisting that everyone knew the Iranians had lied about their secret program, but that the Obamabomb deal was going to be so effective in limiting it and so verifiable that it wouldn’t matter going forward.

It takes a special kind of stupid to think that people who lied before and that have gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal that fact aren’t doing the same things now.  Of course the Iranians are still lying, still cheating and still moving inexorably forward with their nuclear ambitions in secret and off-limits military facilities.  It is no longer possible to pretend otherwise and, thereby, to be enabling such behavior by perpetuating the JCPOA.

Find the chapter embedded below in PDF format.

Click here for a free PDF of Obamabomb: A Dangerous and Growing National Security Fraud and information on how to buy in paperback and Kindle formats.


Center for Security Policy

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