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Since its founding, the mullahocacy in Iran has sought “Death to America.” Until that regime is strong enough to accomplish this goal kinetically – perhaps with a nuclear weapon used to take out our electric grid, the ayatollahs seem determined to pursue our “death by a thousand cuts.”

And Team Obama is helping them at every slice, capitulating to one ignominious humiliation at Iranian hands after another. Specifically, with respect to the so-called “nuclear deal,” Tehran has repeatedly violated it, cheated, lied and made still further demands.

President Obama and his subordinates have been reduced to excusing and enabling such affronts in the interest of protecting the President’s utterly fraudulent Obambomb “legacy.” Now, the administration is promising not to apply to Iran new statutory restrictions on visas.

Who will protect us from such insanity, that is only emboldening our mortal Iranian enemies?

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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