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With Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, J. Matthew McInnis, Dr. Bruce Bechtol, Robin Simcox

Dr. PETER VINCENT PRY, Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, and former CIA analyst:

  • EMP threat to the U.S. due to the ObamaBomb deal
  • Kerry’s statement regarding the verification of the nuclear negotiations
  • How to protect the electric grid from an EMP attack

J. MATTHEW McINNIS, Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, Former Department of Defense and CENTCOM official:

  • Iran’s soft war against the West
  • Israel holding back from striking Iran due to fears of losing U.S. backing
  • How the current deal will give the Islamic Republic complete energy dominance in the Middle East
  • Saudi-Syrian backchannels in an effort to one-up the mullahs
  • Riyadh and Ankara governments questionable ability to combat the Islamic State

Dr. BRUCE BECHTOL: Professor of political science at Angelo State University (TX), former Defense Intelligence Agency Officer specializing in North Korea:

  • Where the recent tension between Pyongyang and Seoul stands
  • North Korea planting mines in the DMZ while the South demands an apology
  • South Korean psychological warfare though propaganda broadcasts
  • Should Kim Jong-un’s regime be back on the U.S. State Sponsor of Terrorism List?

ROBIN SIMCOX, Research Fellow at The Henry Jackson Society in London:

  • Thwarted terror attack on a Paris train by two American servicemen
  • Possibilities of a  “dirty bomb” attack in a major Western city
  • Jihadist use of the refugee resettlement program
  • The United Kingdom’s opening of an embassy in Tehran
Secure Freedom Radio

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