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With Fred Fleitz, Troy Augustine, Michael Rowan and Genevieve Wood

FRED FLEITZ, Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy, former CIA analyst:

  • Is EgyptAir missing flight MS804 the result of terrorism?
  • Chinese jets harass US military plane in international air space
  • Ben Rhodes accountability

TROY AUGUSTINE, Regional Manager for Africa at International Christian Concern:

  • Islamic Supremacism in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Success of al-Shabaab in Somalia

MICHAEL ROWAN, Columnist at El Universal and Veneeconomia, Author of “The Threat Closer to Home—Hugo Chavez and the War Against America”:

  • Death spiral of the Maduro regime
  • The plundering of Venezuela’s natural resources
  • What should the US policy be toward Caracas?

GENEVIEVE WOOD, Senior Fellow in Communications at the Heritage Foundation:

  • Strategic rationale for forcing women to sign up for selective service
  • Senators McConnell and McCain’s support for women in combat
Secure Freedom Radio

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