In a year-end interview with National Public Radio, President Obama has once again downplayed the threat posed by Islamic supremacism.

He insists the Islamic State “is not an organization that can destroy the United States” and that it doesn’t pose great risks to the U.S. “institutionally or in a systemic way.”

The trouble with such statements is that the Islamic State is just one manifestation of what’s best described as the global jihad movement.

This movement also includes al Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram, Hamas, the Deobandis, the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah.

They all explicitly seek to impose their totalitarian doctrine called shariah on the entire world. To do that, they are waging jihad, or holy war, for the purpose, yes, of destroying the United States.

Ignoring, mischaracterizing or minimizing this reality is national security fraud.

Secure Freedom Radio

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