Israel’s Missing Defenders Reemerge

Team Obama began easing sanctions on Iran well in advance of getting any deal it can claim

Suddenly, friends of Israel are frantic about President Obama’s increasingly hostile policies towards the Jewish State.

For one thing, Team Obama began easing sanctions on Iran well in advance of getting any deal it can claim – however fraudulently – will limit Tehran’s accelerating nuclear weapons program.

For another, Secretary of State John Kerry is blaming the victim, claiming that – unless Israel quickly makes strategic concessions to the Palestinians – it will be held responsible for the next, violent jihadist uprising, or “intifada.”

Such behavior is what one should expect from an administration populated by senior officials deeply hostile to the Jewish State, and sympathetic to its enemies. Many of them were confirmed with support from normally pro-Israel groups and individuals. That must not be allowed to happen again.


Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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