Recent revelations about Hillary and Bill Clinton’s apparent collusion with Russians connected to the Putin Kremlin have called attention to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. Secretary of State Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder were members of this interagency group, known as CFIUS, during its deliberations about selling Russia 20% of America’s uranium.

Evidently, as they voted on the so-called Uranium One transaction, General Holder knew that Secretary Clinton and others in her circle were engaged in what sure looks like a pay-to-play scheme, garnering over $145 million from interested Russian parties.  Congressional investigations have finally been launched to examine this yawning scandal.

Such inquiries should also explore the role played in this and other dubious CFIUS actions by its then-top staffer, Aimen Mir – a Pakistani expatriate and Sharia-supremacist with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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