The so-called January 6th “insurrection” seems increasingly to have been, instead, what’s known as a false-flag operation in which Donald Trump’s political foes shamelessly exploited an incident they provoked to thwart congressional action on his charges of electoral fraud.

You’d never know it from the House commission investigating that event, or mainstream media slavishly promoting its deceptive narrative. But three men in particular have doggedly sought the truth.

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson will discuss his findings in a SecureFreedom.org webinar today with my colleague, Dr. Michael Waller, an expert on the political warfare at the core of the January 6th affair.

And “War Room” host Steve Bannon is poised to jujitsu his prosecution for exhibiting contempt of Congress to expose in court official complicity in provoking and manipulating American patriots on the sixth of January – then lying to us about it.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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