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With Andy McCarthy, Kevin Kearns, Ryan Mauro, Amb. Yoram Ettinger

ANDY McCARTHY, Former Federal Prosecutor:

  • Necessity to label the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization
  • Obama’s executive order pushing for Syrian refugee resettlement
  • Overreach of American courts regarding Guantanamo Bay


  • Supreme Court action against Guantanamo Bay
  • Repercussions of institutionalizing Obama’s Countering Violent Extremism movement
  • Threats to freedom of speech from hate speech legislation

KEVIN KEARNS, President of the U.S. Business and Industry Council:

  • Defects in the Trans Pacific Partnership
  • Threats to American congressional sovereignty from TPP
  • Possibility of China joining the TPP

RYAN MAURO, National Security Analyst at the Clarion Project:

  • Muslim Brotherhood operations in the United States
  • The Muslim Public Affairs Council’s influence on the Department of Justice
  • Reports of Hezbollah and ISIS cells in North America

Amb. YORAM ETTINGER, Former Minister for Congressional Affairs at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C.:

  • Analysis of President Obama and PM Netanyahu’s recent meeting
  • Administration’s intent to accommodate the Palestinians
  • Diminishing importance of the two-state solution to Arab states
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