Jim and Joe Hoft: Why the Left is always trying to cancel us


With Joseph Curl, Joe Hoft and Jim Hoft

JOSEPH CURL, Former White House Correspondent and Columnist, The Washington Times (1998-2010), Frequent Contributor, The Daily Wire, Editor-in-Chief, OffThePress.com, @josephcurl

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JOE HOFT, Frequent Contributor, The Gateway Pundit, Former International Corporate Executive, Author, “In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics

JIM HOFT, Founder, The Gateway Pundit

  • Jim and Joe Hoft talk about the history of The Gateway Pundit
  • Joe Hoft talks about the obvious evidence of fraud in the 2020 election

Joseph Curl | Secure Freedom Radio

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Jim and Joe Hoft

Your owner's manual for your most important possession: Your freedom

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