Join the fight to free Jimmy Lai – “The Hong Konger”!


The Chinese Communist Party’s totalitarianism is on display as it resumes today the prosecution of Hong Kong’s most prominent incarcerated freedom-fighter, Jimmy Lai – this time for sedition.

Mr. Lai’s fate is one he shares with over 7 million people of the former British colony whose freedom the Communists falsely promised to respect for 50 years. Like him, they are now enslaved, albeit in an open-air prison.

Jimmy’s conviction, which is all but guaranteed by Hong Kong’s Beijing-rigged judicial system, is meant to further tighten the screws on the former territory’s citizens – and telegraph what awaits those of Taiwan.

A new documentary entitled “The Hong Konger” powerfully illuminates Jimmy Lai’s courage and sacrifice for freedom. It also shows what the Chinese Communists have in mind for us, a well.

Join the fight to free Jimmy Lai by watching

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Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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