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For years, a public integrity organization called Judicial Watch has used the Freedom of Information Act to expose official misconduct, corruption and malfeasance. Its revelations about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s serial violation of government information security rules have been singularly consequential. They have even compelled the FBI and the State Department Inspector General to conduct their own inquiries.

Although the case against Mrs. Clinton has become ever more damning, she continues to deny any wrongdoing.

Last week, Judicial Watch released yet-another batch of Hillary’s emails. They suggest that her illegal, home-brew server shenanigans resulted in the entire State Department’s information technology system being rendered susceptible to enemy hacking.

The full extent of the resulting damage to national security may never be known. But we can say already is that such a record should disqualify Hillary Clinton from being our next Commander-in-Chief.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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