Keeping Faith with the 911 Fallen

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Today, the 9/11 Memorial Museum opens at the site of the worst single attack in our nation’s history. Dignitaries will mark the event with family members of the fallen.

One of the most formidable of the 9/11 family community is Debra Burlingame. She has become an internationally recognized advocate for freedom and opponent of the jihadists who murdered, among others, her brother, Chic, the pilot of the American Airlines plane flown into the Pentagon.

Thanks in large measure to Debra and the family members she represents, the new memorial – on whose board she serves – tells the truth about the Islamist supremacists who perpetrated this murderous act of jihad against innocent Americans and their country. We and posterity are indebted to them, not just for their sacrifice, but for their steadfast integrity.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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