Kerry Gershaneck: China will knock Japan out of play


With Kerry Gershaneck and Gelet Fragela

KERRY GERSHANECK, Visiting Scholar, Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, National Chengchi University, Senior Research Associate, Thammasat University Faculty of Law, former US Marine Corp officer, Author, “Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to ‘Win Without Fighting:‘”

  • Kerry Gershaneck: For China to annex Taiwan, it needs to “knock Japan out of play”
  • Academia, by-and-large, does not talk about the People’s Republic of China’s political warfare anymore – “Willful disregard” or something more dubious?
  • Gershaneck: We need to set the precedent with Japan, which needs to get more serious towards the China threat, i.e. beefing up counterintelligence laws, etc.

GELET FRAGELA, Cuban Political Refugee, Journalist and Founder, ADN Cuba

  • Gelet Fragela: The Cuban regime has been engaged in a political cleansing for years – I believe it’s the moral duty of the leaders of the free world to refuse to recognize the regime as the legitimate leaders of Cuba
  • Decree 349: Prohibiting free express through art
  • Fragela: The Cuban people were not asking for more internet, medicine…The Cuban people understand that in order to have all of those things, all they need is freedom

Kerry Gershaneck

Your owner's manual for your most important possession: Your freedom

Gelet Fragela

Your owner's manual for your most important possession: Your freedom

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