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On October 12th, President Trump is expected to announce his decision regarding Barack Obama’s fraudulent nuclear deal with Iran. His senior subordinates – or, more accurately, insubordinates – reportedly want him to say this:

“The Iran deal is the worst ever negotiated. Iran is not complying with the deal.  The deal is not consistent with the vital interests of the United States.  And we’re going to stay in it.”

That’s the sort of incoherent nonsense that has given the Washington Swamp a bad name. American voters were offered the opportunity to continue to be governed by such addled policies – and rejected it, choosing instead to elect someone who denounced the deal as “fatally flawed.” In particular, those who elected Donald Trump thought he would get rid of it.

It’s time to establish this is not Barack Obama’s third term.  Kill, don’t perpetuate, the Obamabomb deal.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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