Kudos for Going After Maduro’s Foreign Life-Support

Yesterday, President Trump’s National Security Advisor marked with a major policy address the anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion – the last, tragically failed, U.S.-supported effort to free the Cuban people and their counterparts throughout the hemisphere from the curse of Castro-style oppression.

Particularly afflicted by such oppression at the moment are many millions of increasingly desperate Venezuelans suffering at the hands of a communist regime propped up by Cuba and other foreign powers. To his credit, John Bolton announced several new sanctions designed to penalize and otherwise counter these nations’ interventions in Venezuela.

We’ll see if such measures will prove sufficient to enable an end to Nicholas Maduro’s tyrannical misrule and the legitimate government of Juan Guaido to come to power. But cutting off the life-support Maduro has been receiving from Havana, Moscow, Beijing and Tehran is unquestionably a necessary precondition.

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