Despite the autonomy of indigenous populations in Ecuador, they are not immune to the increasing radicalization we witness today in Latin America.   The problem is always the form these social discontents take, in what direction they move, and what the forces are that influence such a direction. Ecuador indigenous groups in Ecuador not only have been a factor in Ecuadorian politics in the last two decades but their role in deciding the balance of powers within the Ecuadorian political system was crucial after the year 2000 and remains crucial until this very day. An analysis of The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), Ecuador’s largest indigenous organization and its links to Hugo Chávez.


  • Hezbollah builds a Western base in Tri-border area in South America.
  • Castro blames US for plane hijack attempt in Cuba. Spain’s foreign minister visits Cuba.
  • Brazil and Paraguay to join "Bank of the South." Brazil’s ‘Petrobras’ seeking refinery sale in Bolivia.
  • Bolivia : Morales takes control over hydrocarbons. Plans more nationalizations. Bolivia to nationalize biggest phone company.
  • Venezuela : Chavez to nationalize banks and largest steel producer. Venezuela rejects US anti-drug claim. Venezuela strips oil giants of Orinoco Belt oilfields. John Negroponte forecasts failure of Chavez’s policies.
  • Colombia ‘s Uribe and President Bush push trade agreement. Alvaro Uribe more popular.
  • Ecuador ‘s lawmakers fight protesters in bid to retake seats. Correa threatens to sue banks. Correa founds controversial ‘truth commission.’
  • Mercosur inaugurates Parliament.

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Center for Security Policy

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