States Senate

Washington, D.C. 20510-3603

January 3, 1996

The Honorable Robert Dole
Majority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Leader:

As you know, we believe that the
American people’s current absolute
vulnerability to ballistic missile attack
is increasingly dangerous and
unacceptable. For this reason, we joined
you in strongly supporting the Fiscal
Year 1996 Defense Authorization Bill and
its statutory requirement that all the
United States be protected against
missile threats by the year 2003.

Unfortunately, President Clinton’s
veto of that legislation last week —
primarily based on his opposition to the
deployment of U.S. missile defenses —
raises the possibility that our
vulnerability will be extended
indefinitely. We find that prospect

Matters are made worse by the Clinton
Administration’s evident determination to
accede to the Russian position that
implementation of the START II treaty is
linked to perpetual U.S. adherence to the
ABM Treaty. Were the Senate to approve
START II under these circumstances, we
would inevitably be party to the creation
of new obstacles to the deployment of
American missile defenses.

We believe, therefore, that it is
imperative that final action on START II
be postponed until the Congress and the
Executive Branch have arrived at an
understanding leading to the prompt
deployment of effective anti-missile
defenses capable protecting the entire
United States from ballistic missile
attack. Only by making such a program a
pre-existing condition to START II can we
prevent that Treaty’s adoption from being
made a new excuse for Executive Branch
inaction on this front — and a new basis
for a Russian veto of vital American
defense capabilities.

Accordingly, we will object to any
unanimous consent agreement that would
call up START II for final Senate action
until an arrangement has been achieved
with the Clinton Administration enabling
the American people to be defended
against missile attack. We will be happy
to work with you toward this end.


Senator James M. Inhofe

Senator Bob Smith

Center for Security Policy

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