Marxists: The utopia is just one more purge away

With Dr. Murray Bessette, Dr. David Wurmser and Joseph Bosco
MURRAY BESSETTE, Director of Academic Programs, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, former Associate Professor, Morehead State University, former President, Kentucky Political Science Association, Lincoln Fellow, Claremont Institute, Academic Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Co-Director, Bluegrass State Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence, @MSYBessette:
Part 1:
- Murray Bessette: The Communist Manifesto says clearly that in order to implement socialism, you must abolish private property, which in practice can only be done by a totalitarian government
- Karl Marx believed that there are no enduring characteristics within human nature – mankind is mostly malleable
- Socialism, Marxism and Communism are not voluntary ideologies
Part 2:
- Bessette argues that Nazism and Communism both deny the individual in favor of some group identity
- Communist China’s revamped vision of Lenin: The western capitalists will lend you the money to buy the rope for you to hang them with
- Deng Xiaoping: When we open up, it’s not that we will have to listen to them [the West], it’s that they will have to listen to us
DAVID WURMSER, Director, Center for Security Policy’s Program on Global Anti-Semitism, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired, US Navy Reserves Lieutenant Commander:
- David Wurmser delves into a supposed eco-terrorist attack off the coast of Israel orchestrated by the Iranians
- The US assassination of Qasem Soleimani put the Iranians on edge
- Wursmer argues that the US should not break its decades-long commitments with Israel not to question their defense initiatives
JOSEPH BOSCO, former China Country Desk Officer, Office of the Secretary of Defense, former Director of Asia-Pacific Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Affairs, Fellow, Institute for Corea-American Studies (ICAS) and the Institute for Taiwan-American Studies:
- Joseph Bosco: We are in a zero-sum game with China
- China is willing to give a little ground in some area in exchange for the US to compromise on many non-negatable terms, like human rights
- Robert Gates: ‘Strategic ambiguity’ towards Taiwan has already served its purpose. It’s time for the Biden administration to readdress the Taiwan question
- Securing America with Sam Faddis - October 26, 2023
- Robert Spencer: Many Afghan refugees were not vetted when they entered the United States - March 22, 2022
- John Mills: The Biden team always needs an ‘enemy’ to rally the country against - March 9, 2022