Memo to Nunes – Make Investigation’s Targets Bipartisan

Rep. David Nunes has become the latest target of the Democratic Party’s political warfare against the Trump presidency. Every instrument at the

Democrats’ disposal – including their mainstream press “echo chamber” – is now aimed at stripping him of the House Intelligence Committee chairmanship, or ending his responsibility for leading an investigation of alleged Trump campaign collusion with Russian influence operations.

The charge against Mr. Nunes is that he has shown himself to be insufficiently bipartisan.

Here’s a suggestion that should test his critics’ actual motives: Broaden the scope of the investigation to include examples of Democrats’ involvement in, for example: soliciting Russian intervention in a previous election; garnering immense sums from Putin’s kleptocratic regime; and recklessly transferring to the Kremlin sensitive U.S. technology, uranium and America’s decades-long leadership role in the Middle East.

Now, that would be a useful, bipartisan investigation!

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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