Message to Congress: A vote for UN approval is a vote for Saddam Hussein

“If you want to keep the peace, you’ve got to have the authorization to use force,” President Bush told reporters Thursday as he asked Congress for authority to “use all means” against the regime in Iraq.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and others say they want any resolution on force to specify that Bush cannot act without United Nations Security Council backing.

That places the United States at the mercy of the Kremlin and the Chinese Communist Party politburo, which wield vetoes in the the Security Council – and who even in the best circumstances would be expected to extort concessions from President Bush.

Senator Levin’s approach plays into the hands of the Iraqi leadership. The administration should warn its opponents that a vote for UN approval is a vote for Saddam Hussein.

Click here for Bush statement on resolution.

Center for Security Policy

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