Shattering Mexico’s glass house (A NAFTA immigration law?)
With the over-the-top criticisms of the new Arizona immigration law coming from the Mexican president and the Obama Administration (who admit they haven’t yet read it), commentators in print, online and on talk radio have used as source material a Center for Security Policy research paper called, “Mexico’s Glass House” by Dr. J. Michael Waller. In 2006, Professor Waller did a study of both the Mexican Constitution and its law in regards to its immigration policy, La Ley General de Poblacion. He found that Mexican law was far tougher– in every respect– than anything being proposed in the United States. The conclusion, of course, is that, to La Raza, the Mexican government and the American left, it is only American sovereignty that’s the problem.
Today on Secure Freedom Radio, Dr. Waller suggests a common immigration law, based on Mexico’s, that would apply to the US, Mexico and Canada in much the same way as NAFTA’s trade rules apply. Possibly the threat of such legislation would be enough to change Mexico’s national interest in seeing as many of its poorer and less-skilled citizens deport themselves across their northern border.
You can find the original articles here:
A special thanks to Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin and many others who’ve brought attention to this issue.
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