Mr. President, Just Say ‘No’ to the Obamabomb Deal

President Trump will decide today the fate of the Obamabomb “political understanding” with Iran.  It should be a no-brainer.  After all, he recognizes that it’s the worst deal ever negotiated. And Israel proved the Iranians use military facilities off-limits to Western inspectors to pursue covertly their nuclear ambitions.

Worse yet, even if the mullahs were not cheating on their international obligations, the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action allows them to retain – and, in some cases, upgrade – what they need to have a full-scale nuclear weapons enterprise.

Still, Mr. Trump is under tremendous pressure, both foreign and domestic, to perpetuate this national security fraud. Fortunately, he knows doing so would be tantamount to surrendering to one of the world’s most dangerous regimes – legitimating, empowering and emboldening it to our great peril.

Mr. President, just say “No” to the fatally flawed Obamabomb deal.

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