Natalie Winters: Who in Washington is on the Chinese Communist Party’s payroll?


With Natalie Winters, Gen. (Ret.) William Boykins, Robert Spencer and Ben Weingarten

NATALIE WINTERS, Investigative Reporter, The National Pulse, Contributor, The National Pulse Podcast, @nataliegwinters

GEN. (RET.) WILLIAM G. BOYKIN, Executive Vice President, Family Research Council, original Member, U.S. Army’s Delta Force, @GenBoykin

  • Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin talks about a recent open letter he and 120 plus former U.S. military officials signed

ROBERT SPENCER, Director, Jihad Watch, Weekly columnist, PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine, Author, “Mass Migration in Europe: A Model for the U.S.?,” @jihadwatchRS

BEN WEINGARTEN, Founder and CEO, ChangeUp Media LLC, Senior Contributor, The Federalist, Senior Fellow, the London Center for Policy Research, Author, “American Ingrate” @bhweingarten

Secure Freedom Radio

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