Never Leave A Man Behind: The Plight of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi

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Rep. Matt Salmon, Diana West, George O’ Conor, Rick Moran

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With Rep. Matt Salmon, Diana West, George O’Conor, Rick Moran

“If [President Obama] actually believes the things he’s been saying to try to get out of this Bergdahl mess, he’d have been on the phone a couple weeks ago or a month ago with the president of Mexico to get this young man out, and that has not happened.” –Representative MATT SALMON (AZ-5), in regards to the captivity of U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. Tahmooressi, an Afghanistan war veteran suffering from PTSD, has been held in a Tijuana prison for nearly three months for unknowingly crossing the Mexican border while carrying his personal firearms.

Also in today’s show:

DIANA WEST, author of “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character “:

  • Benghazi Youtube producer scapegoated to punish criticism of Islam
  • What is the Istanbul Process and why does it relate to Hillary Clinton and freedom of speech?
  • The prisoner swap between Sgt. Berghdal and 5 Taliban Leaders and its negative impact on American national security


  • Gaging Chinese military buildup through data analysis
  • Chinese economic warfare as seen through their grasp of the natural resources markets
  • Strategic international Chinese activity in emerging economies in the developing world

RICK MORAN, PJ Media Chicago Editor:

  • Who’s the hero? A story of a man injured trying to rescue Bergdahl
  • “Children’s crusade” – the escalation of the situation in Arizona
  • The broken immigration system and the need for reform
Secure Freedom Radio

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