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Next week, House Republicans will elect a replacement for outgoing Speaker John Boehner. His loyalists want it to be Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. They’re now on notice that would be a disaster.

On Tuesday, McCarthy floundered as Fox News’ Sean Hannity pressed for evidence the Boehner team had delivered on the promises that gave them a huge Republican majority. In desperation, the Congressman claimed the GOP-initiated select committee on Benghazi had “driven down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers.”

Almost as bad as the sheer stupidity of affirming a false Democrat narrative that the investigation is a partisan ploy was McCarthy’s repeated – and utterly unconvincing – mouthing of talking points disavowing that was his intent during a return appearance on Fox last night.

Kevin McCarthy is clearly unqualified and ill-suited for the job. Republicans must come up with another, superior choice.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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