A McLaughlin & Associates poll released Wednesday by Secure America Now shows that 84% of those surveyed quite sensibly consider immigration from the Middle East to be dangerous.

Interestingly, large majorities felt that way across every one of the poll’s demographic subgroups, including men, women, Hispanics, and the elderly. Even 69% of self-described liberals thought so.

The public is, moreover, concerned not just with refugees from Syria, but the prospect of importing jihadists from nations throughout the Mideast.

More than 30 U.S. governors have already said they oppose Syrian refugees coming to their states. Team Obama, the UN, leftists, Islamic supremacists and so-called charities that get paid by-the-head to bring refugees here are determined to do it anyway.

Politicians considering enabling an influx of more prospective jihadists are now on notice: They do so at their peril.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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