No More Fidel, No More U.S. Life-Support for His Regime

The long-awaited demise of Cuba’s Fidel Castro has contributed to a new reality in the United States, if not yet on the island.  It comes as Donald Trump prepares to revisit – and, it is to be profoundly hoped, to revamp – myriad, odious aspects of the Obama legacy.

Among Barack Obama’s most appalling bequests was the unconditional life-support extended to the Castro regime late in his presidency.

With support from the incoming Trump administration and leadership on Capitol Hill by, among others, newly reelected Senator Marco Rubio, the stage is set for a U.S. repudiation of “normalization” unless and until Havana embraces human rights, political liberalization and sweeping economic reform.

Another prerequisite should be an end to Russian and Chinese military installations in Cuba – like their signals intelligence facility at Lourdes and naval bases and military airfields – that threaten the United States.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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