In the 2006 mid-term elections, no issue is likely to be more determinative of the outcomes of congressional races and, arguably, the future course of our country than public attitudes on national security. In particular, widespread confusion about the nature of the war in which America is engaged and what it will take to prevail in it could have a profound impact in many races around the country. In a democracy like ours, an uninformed electorate can make decisions that are far-reaching and potentially quite dangerous.

Against this backdrop and as a public service, the Center for Security Policy today unveiled a television ad campaign aimed at explaining in no uncertain terms the nature and stakes of the conflict we are waging around the world against an Islamofascist enemy bent on our destruction.

The ad, which can be viewed by clicking here, observes that in this War for the Free World, the United States simply cannot afford to follow the advice of war critics who would have us cut-and-run . It points out that steps such as a withdrawing prematurely from Iraq and/or closing the U.S. facility for detaining terrorists at Guantanamo Bay would unambiguously convey weakness to our enemies, resulting only in more bloodshed abroad and quite possibly renewed attacks against the U.S. homeland.

The ad focuses upon the central reality of our time, which is that in a global war, there is no place to run to. This is conveyed in the closing image of the ad – showing a scene of the globe, the narrator says "The next time someone suggests America should cut-and-run from the war on terror, ask them, ‘run to where?’"

The initial flight of this powerful, 60-second television spot will be released in the markets of state capitals in which debate about the war is particularly intense – Albany, NY; Harrisburg, PA; Columbus, OH; Springfield, MO; and Richmond, VA; as well as in Burlington, VT – and implores the electorate to "Vote as if your life depends on it. Because it does."

Center President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. noted upon the ad’s release:

All Americans have a stake in the Nation’s success in this war for the Free World. Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike are in the crosshairs of our Islamofascist enemies. The Center’s non-partisan ad campaign is meant to ensure that voters are fully informed about both the nature of this war and what it will take to defeat this enemy, and that they will vote accordingly – as the ad says, as if their lives depend on it, because indeed they do.

The entire script reads as follows:

Since 9/11, most Americans know the world is a dangerous place.

Islamic terrorists hate us for who we are and what we stand for.

Some people seem to think, however, that if we retreat our terrorist enemies will leave us alone.

They say we should close Guantanamo , where captured foes are kept from waging war against us.

They say we should get out of Iraq , where democracy is just getting a foothold.

They seem to think we’ll be safer if we cut-and-run.

But our enemies will see this as proof of our weakness.

They’ll be more convinced than ever that murdering Americans advances their cause, and they’ll try to do so again here at home.

They next time someone suggests America should cut-and-run from the war on terror, ask them, "run to where?"


Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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