No Sweetheart Plea Deal for Hillary

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According to former New York Times editor and best-selling author Ed Klein, the Trump administration has offered Hillary Clinton a plea bargain.  The arrangement would fall far short of the hopes of President Trump’s base that he would “lock her up.”

Worse yet, it apparently would not even require her to disclose the extent of her pay-to-play schemes as Secretary of State, or her wrongdoing with respect to mishandling classified information.

Instead, according to an unnamed Clinton lawyer, the government has proposed that Mrs. Clinton simply plead guilty to charges of breaking the law.  Given the magnitude of her criminal misconduct – and the damage it has done to the nation’s security and vital interests, that wouldn’t even qualify as a slap on the wrist.

To be remotely acceptable, any plea deal must entail full disclosure of Hillary’s wrongdoing – and an appropriate punishment.

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