North Korea threatens nuclear strike on US

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In some of its harshest rhetoric ever, North Korea has threatened to attack the United States with nuclear weapons.

Responding to a leaked Pentagon nuclear posture review recommending smaller precision nuclear weapons to destroy hardened WMD targets of rogue regimes, Pyongyang’s external propaganda agency accused the US of “working in real earnest to prepare a dangerous nuclear war to bring nuclear disasters to our planet and humankind.”

“A nuclear war to be imposed by US nuclear fanatics,” the North Korean statement warned, “would mean their ruin in nuclear disaster.” Pyongyang also warned of “strong countermeasures.”

According to the New York Times, which editorially opposes missile defense for the United States, “the commentary carried an implicit threat of a retaliatory strike by North Korea.”

South Korean officials say the US nuclear policy statement is nothing new.

Center for Security Policy

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