Not a red cent in climate reparations for the CCP


At the UN Climate Change conference in Egypt last month, the U.S. delegation led by Climate Czar John Kerry committed this country to assume partial responsibility for the warming of our planet – and to pay what amount to reparations to “developing” nations portrayed as victims of intense weather and other consequences of rising temperatures.

The absurdity – to say nothing of the outrageousness – of this initiative was powerfully illuminated in a webinar yesterday sponsored by our Committee on the Present Danger: China. One of its highlights was a stunning observation: Communist China’s emissions of carbon dioxide – the gas climate alarmists insist is imperiling our planet and the human race – exceed those of the United States, the European Union and India combined.

The new Congress must repudiate Team Biden’s promise to pay the Chinese Communist Party climate reparations. Not a red cent.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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