Obama Administration’s Policy Of Retreat In The Middle East

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With Charles Crawford, Matt Continetti, Harold Rhode, Gordon Chang

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With Charles Crawford, Matt Continetti, Harold Rhode, Gordon Chang

CHARLES CRAWFORD, a former ambassador for the United Kingdom, explains his recent piece in the London Daily Telegraph outlining the diplomatic disaster the West has taken in the recent negotiations with Russia.

MATT CONTINETTI, editor-in-chief of the Washington Free Beacon, delves deeper into the emerging idea that Russia is replacing the US as the world’s power due to the Obama Administration’s policy of retreat in the Middle East.

HAROLD RHODE, senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, offers his opinion–having previously served as a Middle East expert in the Pentagon–on the current issues surrounding Syria and the greater Middle East region.

GORDON CHANG, of www.forbes.com, speaks about the Chinese and North Korean military presence in the Middle East, as well as major economic initiatives by China for the near future.

Secure Freedom Radio

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