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What are we to make of President Obama’s performance yesterday at the National Prayer Breakfast?

Obviously troubling was his latest indulgence in moral equivalence between, on the one hand, jihadists performing today what the Quran and shariah explicitly command and, on the other, the appalling – but centuries old – departure from Christ’s teaching by Crusaders and the Inquisition.

Some would call those apples and oranges – totally different, not comparable, morally or otherwise.

Then, there was his willingness to be in the company of the Foreign Minister of the jihadist government of Sudan, a man personally linked to genocidal attacks against his country’s non-Muslim ethnic minorities.

The bottom line: President Obama is, once again, on the wrong side – excusing, dissembling about and enabling enemies of religious liberty and freedom more generally.

Enough already.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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