With Jim Hanson, Deroy Murdock and Kurt Schlichter

JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President at the Center for Security Policy:

  • Obama’s pardon of the traitor Bradley Manning
  • Obama’s attempts to empty Guantanamo Bay
  • The Left’s plan to disrupt the inauguration

DEROY MURDOCK, Contributing Editor at National Review Online:

  • James O’Keefe’s revelations about the Left’s plans for inauguration day
  • The myth that Trump only won the “angry white” vote

KURT SCHLICHTER, Senior Columnist at Townhall.com:

  • President Obama’s commutation of Bradley Manning’s sentence
  • Why Manning was not a “whistleblower”


  • Trump’s successes as President-Elect
  • What President Trump should do in his first 100 days in office
Secure Freedom Radio

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