Groucho Marx once said “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them…well, I have others.” That seems to be Barack Obama’s stance with respect to how to “degrade and defeat” terrorists like the murderous Islamic State.

Last September, he said, “We don’t have a strategy yet.” When Americans didn’t like that, he announced one based on his “successful Yemen model.”

Now that Yemen has been overrun by Iranian-backed jihadists, he’s going to have his mendacious National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, trot out another strategy tomorrow.

Americans deserve adult leadership, guided by enduring principles and the truth about the global jihadist nature of our enemy and its ideology, shariah. We need a commonsensical strategy, rooted in peace through U.S. strength.

Such principles, leaders and strategy will be on display at our “Defeat Jihad Summit” on February 11. Learn more at

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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