Obama-induced Port Insecurity – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

One of Barack Obama’s most malignant legacies may prove to be the steps his administration took to exacerbate threats to Americans from Sharia-supremacists here at home.

To cite but a few examples:  Hundreds of thousands of unassimilable refugees, many of them unvetted.  Proliferating jihadist mosques and Islamic centers.  Muslim Brotherhood front groups allowed to manipulate and subvert U.S. security policies.

To such potentially suicidal travesties, we must now add another.  After two years of secret negotiations, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew granted a  contract to run parts of Florida’s strategically located Port Canaveral to a UAE-based company owned by the family of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear bombmaker.  It also has ties to Iran.  What could possibly go wrong?

Donald Trump should terminate this arrangement forthwith as part of a wholesale revisiting of all these perilous Obama decisions.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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