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With Rick Manning, Diana West, Jim Hanson and Dan Cadman

RICK MANNING, President of Americans for Limited Government:

  • Relinquishing the control of the internet to an international body
  • Do tech companies support ICANN?

DIANA WEST, Nationally syndicated columnist, Blogs at, and Author of Death of the Grown Up and American Betrayal:

  • History of information warfare with Russia
  • How terrorists exploit immigration policy

JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President of Center for Security Policy, former operator in the US Army Special Forces:

  • Facebook blocks video depicting Islamist violence
  • ICANN and national security
  • How sharing intelligence with our enemies is problematic

DAN CADMAN, Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies:

  • DHS considering ending the use of private contractors for detaining illegal immigrants
  • Why current criminal justice reform is problematic
Secure Freedom Radio

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