Operation ‘Terapaima’ and the Takeover of RCTV

"Operation ‘Terapaima’ and the Takeover of RCTV." According to a document of the National Armed Forces of Venezuela (Fuerzas Armadas Nacionales or FAN) issued by the Minister of Defense of Venezuela , instructions were given to the military to confiscate the transmission equipment of RCTV. In a conflict scenario, military units would confront surprise attacks against military posts and acts of selective terrorism carried out by civilian organizations which the document refers to as bthe enemy.’


  • Peru: government accuses Chavez of trying to destabilize the country.
  • The White House hosts Conference on the Americas (full story).
  • Ecuador: Correa accuses lawmakers of corruption. Correa says Congress should be dissolved. Correa Starts European Tour.
  • Venezuela: Chavez threatens Globovision. Venezuela Exports Tractors to Bolivia and Nicaragua. Venezuelan RCTV may air on cable.
  • Bolivia, Miners-Government Dialogue Off. Operation Miracle treats 100,000 patients in Bolivia. Bolivia: Selling $100M in Bonds to Venezuela.
  • The US might ratify FTA with Peru in September.
  • Colombia: Uribe leads protest against kidnappings. Assailants kill mayor of western Colombian town.
  • Mexico Confirms Attacks on Gas Pipelines (Pemex).
  • Lula resumes nuclear program. Brazil to become ‘world power.’

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Center for Security Policy

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