Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic and people around the globe are getting more confused by the day and asking more questions than ever. Even today, scientists have not agreed on the origin of the virus, how it began to spread and how it continues to mutate.

Early last year, reputable doctor Kristian Andersen, a professor in the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at Scripps Research, privately told chief medical adviser to the president Anthony Fauci that, after discussions with his colleagues, some of COVID-19’s features potentially look engineered and its genome — an organism’s complete set of DNA — is inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory, which means that the virus may have been genetically manipulated, according to a report aired on Tuesday by Fox News.

Although few in the US mainstream media devote much attention to the theory that the virus resulted from a lab leak in Wuhan, China, several scientists are increasingly convinced it is the only answer to this most critical of questions.

Richard Muller of the University of California told the British science publication Total Health that he was shocked by the fearful and negative response of the scientific community when he tried to engage different laboratories to do the necessary research to investigate the origin of COVID-19.

It has become known that, if a journalist insists on questioning and investigating how the outbreak really occurred, they will be labeled a conspiracy theorist or far-right activist.

There has seemingly been a unified decision made by a group of politicians, media outlets and even scientific leaders to downplay the lab leak theory and the possibility that the virus was manufactured.

On Tuesday, US Sens. Richard Burr and Patty Murray proposed draft legislation that would form a bipartisan panel to investigate COVID-19’s emergence, as well as America’s preparedness for and response to the pandemic. But how could any such committee investigate an entity in China?

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