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This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

We know that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States rubber-stamped the transfer of 20% of America’s uranium reserves to Russia – even though at least one of its members, then-Attorney General Eric Holder, must have known that the transaction was under criminal investigation by the FBI.

Now, we’ve learned that this interagency group, known as CFIUS, also approved another travesty:  In 2014, it allowed Gulftainer to manage container operations at America’s strategic Port Canaveral – even though the company is partly owned by the family of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear bomb-maker.

A new paper by the Center for Security Policy reveals that Gulftainer also has a joint venture with a Russian company that makes the Club-K, a system that conceals inside a shipping container a launcher for four nuclear-capable cruise missiles.

What could possibly go wrong?  Plenty!

This is Frank Gaffney.  Read our paper at

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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