Poster Child for Pay-to-Play Clinton World — Tom Pickering

Yesterday, the Center for Security Policy’s Christine Brim published an exhaustive investigation into the post-government business dealings of one of Hillary Clinton’s top advisors, former Ambassador Thomas Pickering.  Her report provides a clarifying window into how the Clintons and their associates have pursued personal agendas and enrichment at the expense of the country’s national security.

Pickering has long been a shill for Iran and an end to sanctions on its terrorist-sponsoring, nuclear-proliferating regime. Before he helped the Iranians secure such relief in the disastrous Obamabomb “deal,” however, Clinton’s favorite ambassador apparently earned as much as $5 million serving on the board of a Russian oil and gas pipeline company that violated those international sanctions.

For Tom Pickering, personal ethics and any commitment to the nation’s strategic interests are a sometime thing.  Ditto Hillary Clinton.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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