Prepare for war with the CCP – and stop underwriting the enemy


On Friday, Air Force General Mike Minihan told his subordinates who provide the military with transportation and logistical support to prepare for war with Communist China. The Pentagon says his “comments are not representative of the Department’s view on China.” 

If true, that’s an indictment of the Biden Defense Department. It ignores the reality that the Chinese Communist Party is mobilizing for violent conflict with us. And we better pray that every U.S. commander is following Gen. Minihan’s lead, not Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s. 

Moreover, every American investor and their Wall Street fund managers better be getting our money out of China. After all, it surely won’t be possible once Xi Jinping starts hostilities. Such undisclosed material risk is compounded by the fact that those investments are currently underwriting the CCP’s preparations for violent aggression – and it must stop now. 

This is Frank Gaffney. 

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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