Press Release: Who’s actually undermining US national security: “Coach” Tuberville or Team Biden?

For Immediate Release
November 7, 2023
Matthew Franklin, [email protected]
New “Save America’s Military” Coalition Video Makes Clear It’s Not the Senator
WASHINGTON, D.C.— In recent days, a handful of Republican Senators have joined the Biden administration and its partisans, among others, in repeatedly denouncing a member of their GOP Caucus: Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama. Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Todd Young of Indiana, Dan Sullivan of Alaska and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have questioned their colleague’s integrity, loyalty and fulfilment of his oath to support and defend the Constitution over his refusal to allow the Senate to rubber-stamp en masse President Biden’s nominees for senior military leadership positions.
In fact, Senator Tuberville has afforded the U.S. Senate the opportunity to perform one of its most important functions – namely, to provide quality control regarding the promotion of military officers proposed by the president. That is especially needed in this moment as President Biden has nominated over three dozen flag and general officers evidently because of their commitment to his cultural Marxist transformation of the armed forces, rather than their records as warriors.
Senator “Coach” Tuberville was initially moved to place “holds” on the approval of senior officer promotions out of concern over illegal Defense Department policies on federal funding of abortion-related expenses. But, it turns out that many of those whose nominations have been delayed as a result of the Senator’s holds have problematic records with respect to policies calculated to divide-and-conquer the U.S. military like: critical race theory indoctrination; diversity, equity and inclusion quotas, instead of merit-based promotions; the LGBTQ+ agenda; transgender accommodations; and “climate change” as the greatest threat we face.
Senator Tuberville has been relentlessly attacked by Team Biden, a number of military families, the media and the aforementioned Republicans for allegedly jeopardizing readiness and national security. Of course, if those priorities were actually imperiled, the Pentagon could always have rescinded its policy on funding abortion-related travel and other expenses that have, in practice, only been tapped by a small number of pregnant women in uniform. Alternatively, non-governmental funding could be used.
Instead, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and the Biden administration have chosen to turn a legitimate disagreement about an existing prohibition on federal funding of abortion into an impasse they have exploited to impugn not just Senator Tuberville, but the Republican Party’s historic record of support for the military.
Even worse, Sen. Schumer is hoping to entice GOP Senators to join him in changing the Senate’s rules in order not only to break “Coach” Tuberville’s hold, but to create a precedent that would diminish – as a practical matter, permanently – the minority’s rights to deliberate on individual nominations and bills.
In the interest of setting the record straight, the Save America’s Military Coalition is releasing today a powerful video explaining the mortal peril associated with the imposition of cultural Marxist (misleadingly described as “woke”) policies on the U.S. armed forces. It presents the highlights of comments made by a formidable array of influential retired military leaders and national security professionals, subject matter experts, grassroots activists and other patriots as part of a recent, two-hour-long “telethon” calling for the Senate to intervene to avert further damage by disapproving the promotion of senior officers who favor such policies.
The Save America’s Military Coalition urges like-minded Americans to join us in contacting their Senators and urging them to prevent the promotion of officers who espouse Marxist stratagems to the detriment of the readiness and deterrent capabilities of the armed services – and the benefit of our enemies. Please use the campaign to let them know that you stand with Senator Tuberville and the national security and encourage them, as your representatives in the Senate, to do the same.
To interview representatives of the Save America’s Military Coalition, contact [email protected].
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