Ambassador Yoram Ettinger was a guest on Secure Freedom Radio with Frank Gaffney yesterday. Ettinger is the former Minister of Congressional Affairs at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC.

Gaffney asked Ettinger for his reaction to the terror attacks in Brussels today:

“The way I look at the terrorist act in Brussels is that this is another lucid chapter of writing on the wall which West Europe and Western world in general insists on ignoring. This is another or reaffirmation of the mega goal driving Islamic terrorism which means it’s not the Palestinian issue, it’s not the Arab-Israeli conflict, it’s the mega goal of Islam which aims at dominating the whole world and considers Europe to be an area which is divinely ordained supposedly to Muslims.”

Gaffney and Ettinger then discussed the fact that Islamic terrorism seems to increase when Muslims are appeased. Ettinger points out that it happened in Israel when Jews left Gaza an also in Beirut when America pulled out in 1983 and when America retreated from the Horn of Africa in 1993.

This is all happening one day after several American presidential candidates addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee or AIPAC.

Gaffney suggested that America’s relationship with Israel needs a course correction after eight years of the Obama administration but Ettinger suggested that America’s relationship with Israel does not rest solely on the president of the United States. The American public’s special attitude towards Israel is just as important.

Secure Freedom Radio

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