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President Obama is reportedly obsessed with his legacy. Before he creates any more of it, we should take stock as to how it’s working out.

That’s especially the case since the two Democratic candidates to replace him are jockeying to see who can promise most earnestly to perpetuate the Obama agenda.

How about Cuba? Mr. Obama is set to go there in three weeks to take credit for normalizing relations with one of the most odious regimes on the planet. He claims this trip is about ensuring that no successor can undo this part of his legacy. Presumably, that means more deals at U.S. taxpayer expense, more concessions of both the financial and political kind and more legitimacy for the Castro brothers’ dictatorship.

Far from enshrining such a travesty, Americans must repudiate any lame-duck effort to legitimize and enrich anti-American dictators.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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