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Yesterday, the White House said it should have had a someone “higher-profile” at the march in Paris to repudiate jihadists’ efforts to prevent free expression.

It certainly was a mistake.

The Team Obama has yet to admit to a far larger one: For six years now, it has sided with Islamic supremacists demanding our submission to their shariah blasphemy laws that dictate what is offensive and cannot be said – on pain of death.

For example, President Obama told the UN General Assembly on September 2012, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.” And in July 2011, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced we would use “old fashioned techniques like shaming and peer-pressure” to ensure Americans’ speech does not offend Muslims.

Mr. President, repudiate shariah blasphemy laws. Now.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

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